De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Army of One

It’s not the same without all of you. Today, I ran to Conway Park for my 5k workout. It was a little lonely. Part of the time it was the good, peaceful kind of lonely. The other part was the “wow I wish someone else was here” kind of lonely.

I asked some guys where they thought I should go for the workout before I left DeSmet. The options became Malcolm, Des Pres, Conway, or the track. I decided to stay with my original thought and go to Conway. We started the 5k workouts at Conway so I had to go back there to finish it off.

The workout was 800 repeats on short rest. It was quite the battle. I was completely alone. Yes, I’ve run other workouts by myself, but it was really different without anyone at all there. It’s amazing how much seeing your teammates out there doing the same workout and hearing words of encouragement from coaches helps in a workout. That’s something that can often be taken for granted. In no way was it easy, but I bared down and fought through. I wasn’t right on pace, but still got quality 5k work in. Ready to rock in Terre Haute on Sunday.

I missed you guys on the way back. It was weird to run hard and then not have a good talk on the cool down. When I got back I had flat sprints. It was once again so nice out and I took advantage by doing the sprints barefoot on the turf. Just another solid day at the office.

Title: I chose that because it was what I was thinking about during the workout. I was out there fighting all on my own. But the one man army prevailed.

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