De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, February 28, 2011

Let’s Go!

Today’s the day: the start of track.

As always we started off the season with a full team meeting in the cafeteria. Coach Russo stressed the importance of being a team and working hard together. He reiterated that this is the most talented team he’s had in 10 years of coaching. But talent is just the start. So, Let’s Go!

To the shock of the distance squad we started with a two lap warm-up. Hopefully later in the week we will bump it back up to 4 laps like last year. We were on a new stretching routine that might take some time to get used. It had an awful lot of lunges and not enough skipping and we all know how great skipping is.

When the distance team broke away Coach Traughber talked about how we were starting a process of improvement. He also mentioned that everyone has to take some more responsibility this year since he is the only distance coach.

The top group lead by seniors Goetz, Scherping, and Seiler, all beginning their final season as a Spartans, had a Spoede. They picked up as if there wasn’t an offseason. Jacob won a close battle of GTTG (Guess the Temperature Game). They also had a little run in with some Chaminade runners. I was on the track with Little OC for a couple miles. Like any distance runners, we spent the first day of track talking about cross country—last year and the upcoming season.

There was a great atmosphere today. Everyone seemed pumped and really excited for the season. It was so great to have everyone together again. A nice, fun day that should be the slightest glimpse of what’s to come.

A shout out to Coach Traughber who ran a marathon in Ohio yesterday. He ran a PR of 3:16:15. Way to go T-bone!
On the Milk Table side of things, Welcome back! We're so glad to be blogging again after a long offseason. Be sure to scroll down and check out what was posted over the winter. Cross country was awesome and we hope to keep it going through the track season. Thanks again to everyone for all of your support!
Remember: Run Read Comment Repeat.

Quote of the Day: “We’re too good to screw this up.”- Coach Russo during the team meeting.

Joke of the Day: “Our gym is bigger than their whole school.”- Martini talking about L’École Culinaire. That came up because we were talking about weird schools to run college cross country at. This one of a few really good ones from Nick; he brought his A game for opening day.

Best Dressed: The first title of best dressed this season falls to a seasoned veteran of the award Mr. Kevin "Freaking" Abernathy sporting the bright green Big River Running Company Winter Distance Camp shirt with complementary new running shoes. It could also be noted that his blue leg sleeve matched his shorts blue stripe. Excellent all-around coordination. Stay Classy Kabes.


  1. Coming Soon... "Sprinter like Me".

    But I have too much homework tonight.

  2. What about "Sprinter like Potter Potter Potter and Distance like Scherping Scherping Scherping" :D (from Scherping if you could not tell lol hehe)

  3. Good to see the blog is back. Keep it up!

  4. No skipping! That's a shame I still do the skipping routine before meets and workouts. Good luck as the season starts. Hope to see some of you soon over spring break.

  5. No worries Zach, skips will return to our warm-up tomorrow. I am glad to hear you find them useful and still do them.

  6. If potter dosen't do his homework, he and mr. williams will be spending some quality time in summer school!
