De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rainy With a Chance of Duck

Today was a chance to get away from the streets of Desmet with a free for all run in Queeny Park. After taking a long hiatus from Queeny the Desmet distance team returned with a start of a new season. The park welcomed us back with a variety of new changes including a brand new path along one of the most dangerous roads in the park. Although some say that you have to be super human to run at Queeny (Big A) the park always serves as a nice break from the Desmet environment.

Congratulations to Coach Bryan T. and Liz T. who celebrate their 1 year anniversary tomorrow. T-Bone loved the card so thanks to all that signed it.

Lastly we have our first submitted story from the 800 champ Alex Potter… enjoy

When you think of the dangers of running, a few things come to mind. Maybe slipping on a wet hill, steping on a rock or stick, or crazy drivers on Olive. But today Alex P and Jack H had an expierence with a duck…Alex and Jack's workout for the day was a 30 minute running. After running around Queeny Ice Rink a few times, we had time left to run. So we ran around the parking lot the Big River Running is located in. As we turned the corner at the restaurant, we noticed a duck. We both pointed and laughed. It didn't like that. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack "duck" and cover his head, so I did the same. Apparently it flew at us. Then, it bent it's head down, and started making wierd noises. We thought let's get out of here, and as we then see it take off right at us, so we put our head down and ran. Jack says it was about a foot from my head…Right when the team thought the duck was finished bother us. Sailor Man decided to do strides, right by the duck. After the first stride down, the duck was eyeing him, a little too close. On the third stride, it attacked Jacob too. Luckily, we have just as many distance runners as we did this morning.

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's A BLOG!

Congratulations to all that ran in the 800 time trail today great performances despite the sloppy conditions. Special congrats to Alex P. who managed to stop whining about his back long enough to pull off a superb 2:06 time in the conditions.

The blog has been unveiled after much hype about a “surprise” to come the blog is finally released to the masses today. Make sure you check back often for all the latest running gossip. Remember if you have a submission for any running related news including: joke of the day, question of the day, quote of the day, or any (insert here) of the day? Send it to me or kabes and it might make it in the post

For those who put in the work for the winter training shirts the design has been decided on and will be available shortly. As you will notice most of the top guys will be sporting these classy, comfortable, and not to mention sexy shirts. If you didn’t run the mileage this winter this should serve as an inspiration to put in the summer miles.

Best Dressed Award: Kabes gets the award today for 2 reasons. 1. During the 800 time trial Kevin sported a fresh look with the knee high socks, a throw back to the days of phil. 2. During the time trail and during the workout Kevin could be seen with the matching hat/short combination. Younger runners should take notice of not only Kevin’s running but also of his fashion.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Run Down Memory Lane

The bender 40 the run formally known as outer 40, a run where countless memories have been made and with this run offers us a chance to honor our fallen runners. We start with Kevin L. the man that made the bender 40 surge what it is today. Perhaps one of the most influential runners in the art of using the downhill lawder mastered the art of catch up using each down hill to his advantage in order to group up with the rest of the pack. Secondly, Eoghan M. the current ruggerfest star can still be seen today sporting some wicked cool shorts on the far side of the throwing field preparing himself for a 2nd run at the state rugby championship. This flying Belgium will knock you off your feet like the scent of an Irish spring. And last but not least the man, the myth, the ledged… Blake B. Blake was the pioneer in discovering the magic that was the “outer” 40 having seen the good that follows these runs Blake was quick to suggest it for any run. For Blake and the rest of our fallen runners we remember them during this “Bender 40” run. R.I.P. (Run In Peace)

A track season never starts until the classic power point presentation conducted by T-Bone. With all of us now informed about proper hydration, rest, and commitment required to be our best the season is officially on its way. Remember to get your watch by MONDAY!

Word of the Day: “Diet-gatorade-fiesta-sprite”
Showdown on the Track: Alex P. vs. Brian S. the battle that will be the 800 meter time trail might very well come down between these two gentlemen. Who will emerge victorious? Tomorrow we find out.


This post is for March 10th

3:10. A time usually accompanied by the yelling of “3 laps!” and the start of another track practice. However, with the arrival of warm weather the chance to turn the track and field team into a work force could not be missed. There were tarps to be carried, tires to be rolled, and for some work to be supervised (you all looked good). After the back breaking work was finished however, the great T-bone gathered his runners for an inspirational speech. The words were short but it was oh so sweet… a baby T-Bone is on the way!

Tempos at Runnymead, a DeSmet tradition, put up a fight today. With a nasty 400 meter start up-hill (both ways in the snow) the mile loop becomes a test of mental toughness. Several factors are key in having a great tempo workout but one can not be stressed enough… a WATCH. These excellent electronic sundials keep you informed, on time, and on pace. Newer runners should pick on up today!

Best Dressed: The one, the only, Jacob S. (the sailor) after getting a taste of best dressed victory the day before Jacob returned with an even more impressive showing. Sporting a matching singlet and race shorts Jacob flew around the track clocking a respectable mile time trail time and possibly more importantly looking good while doing so. Will Jacob sweep the first week?

Question of the Day: With the news of Baby T on the way many questions need to be asked. Who will be the god father? Who will be the babysitter? Who will the baby be named after? Now while the first two are obviously me (Boyle) the last one should be taken seriously. In the comment section below leave you suggestion for a baby name Boy or Girl. Please leave out your own name as it won’t happen but perhaps we can find some famous runners to name the baby after? Go nutz!

A Rainy Run

This is the first regular post, and is for Tuesday, March 9, 2010.

An out and back on Ladue with good temperature and some rain always make for a great practice. There is just something calm and refreshing that comes with running in the rain, as long as it's not freezing. Long run days are great times to talk to and get to know the guys you run with. Over ten miles, Zach and I have a great conversation, and we really enjoyed practice. This is a big part of distance running, just running and having a good time. The nice easy long runs are probably my next favorite thing to racing. They're a great chance to relax and get away for a bit.

With this blog comes the Best Dressed Award. It will be decided on during practice and announced here. To win, you simply just have to have style; come to practice looking good. Dress to Impress. Coordination and uniqueness are pretty important. You may like to note that you will be almost guaranteed to lose if you wear a plain white t-shirt or hoody.

Best Dressed: Jacob S. takes home the first ever Best Dressed Award. He was above and beyond the competition with a nice windbreaker jacket and running pants. He was practically dressed, and the jacket broke the wind so it wouldn't break his spirit. Congrats Jacob, and good luck to you in the future.

Joke of the Day: On the run we passed some road kill on Ladue, and it looked like a beaver. Zach then said, "I going to take the dam tour and go to the dam gift shop and get a dam postcard."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What up!

Hey guys. Yea, this is it. The big surprise. A blog! Oh yeah. It's going to be awesome. It's the biggest thing since twitter. Zach and I are like really excited about this and think it will be only a matter of time before everybody enjoys reading and commenting on these posts. You're going to find a little bit of everything in here. There'll be stuff about practices and races, pictures and links, along with other random stuff that we think you guys will like.

You're going to have to bear with us as this gets off the ground. It could be a little slow and weak at first, but hang in there and you will be rewarded.

Be on the lookout for some common features of the blog such as: quotes, jokes, best dressed, and shout outs.

Also, we want this to be for the whole team so if you ever have something you would like to post you, can email Zach or me, and we will put it up in your name if it's good.