De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

FoPo a NoGo?

Hello all, Nick Martini here. Im sure my blogging skills won't compare to greats like Kevin, Potter, or Jacob, but i'm here so you'll just have to push through this subpar post. Yes, this is a very delayed blog post from myself, but I am finally blogging for my first time this season, and what better practice to blog about than our 40 minute adventure run through beautiful Forest Park?
During the school day, the weather outside was frightening; it almost seemed as if we wouldn't be able to participate in this now-traditional practice we have been waiting the whole season for. When T-Bone announced the possibility of the practice being cancelled during Dynasty Club moans and groan were heard from all ends of the school, quite possibily the first time in recorded history where we actually were sad of a practice cancellation. As the day went on, the weather started to clear up and we were ready to run the best practice ever.
Upon arriving, we met up with our coaches Tom and Mahood, whipped out our camera, and began the journey. For the runners who aren't familiar with this practice, we run for 40 minutes around Forest Park with a digital camera and find monuments and landmarks to pose next to; a great practice, indeed. We started with a few classics, namely the Jewel Box and the Zoo. We tried replicating the past year's picture poses (a la Muscle Man Matt), but also came up with new ones as well. Reluctantly, Mahood and Tom joined in on a few pictures as well which the experience that much more enjoyable. After a few memorable pictures on turtles, on an old jalopy, and through the infamous tunnel, we went to a new location: the boathouse. The initial idea was to get a picture of all of us on a few of the paddleboats, but Tom declinded with his most used word of the season: "Nope" Instead, we got a picture looking like hobos around a bonfire they had going. We decided to go on a new route to a previously unknown playground. On our way there Mike had a run-in with a squirrel, which is his nickname for the season for reasons I cannot even remember. The squirrel was surrounded by a few of our guys and started spinning in place, desperately looking for a way to escape certain death via trampling. Luckily Mike's bretheren handily escaped just as Mike was having a mini heart attack. After many strange looks, we headed back to the central fields after a disaoppointing discovery that we could not go onto the Muny's stage and seats When we arrived, the freshman were in the thick of their race. Coach Williams hasn't tweeted any official results, but Dolan had broken 19:00 and Jimmy Reed flew past the 18:00 barrier; nice work today boys.
Quote of the Day: "Nope"-Tom Albes
Darn near every time we suggested a picture idea, the famous words were spoken by our beloved Coach Tom. Although we were upset, we all knew deep down that he was just trying to be a good coach and not a buzzkill.
Joke of the Day: Sullivan's picture poses
If you look on The Milk Table's Facebook page, you may notice that Colin Sullivan's pose in almost every picture is the same: standing as straight and unemotional as humanly possible. I had no idea until the pictures were upload, and proceded to laugh heartily for seconds on end.
Well, that wraps up my first blog post. Any criticisms are greatly appreciated, especially ones from former bloggers.
-Nick Martini