De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We Will Be Back

Parkway Central
After school, the Cross Country Spartans made the short drive to Parkway Central. Today's varsity race had many story lines. Juniors Matt O'Connor, Nick Martini, and John Waller were running there first ever 7 man Varsity 5k. Sophomore Jimmy Reed was running his first 5k... period. And of course the return of Senior John Madey. I talked to Jimmy and John at lunch.

Madey talked about sleep being the key to success, so he got into bed earlier than normal. He was not nervous at all, because he is prepared and knows what he has to do. He also had a lunch of champions, prepared by Milk Table COMMENTER Momma Madey.
  • Roast beef and turkey sandwich on wheat break with a little mayo and lettuce.
  • Baked Lays
  • 2 granola bars (one for after school)
  • Grapes
  • Mixed pudding cup
Jimmy was just anxious to get the show on the road. He "slept like a rock" and had his pre race snack of choice, grapes.

The first race of the day was the Freshman. The frosh continued their climb to the 5k by running a 2.4 mile course. Standout Steve Placht was in contention from the gun, and finished a close second.
"I had my goals from yesterday. I thought I did a good job of being near the front, but not being THE front. I was able to use the downhills well to catch people. I'll get the guy next time, but I'm very pleased with second" Steve Placht
"I was trying to push it, but I was out of breathe. It was a struggle, but I knew I had to get 5th for the team." Michael Del Castillo
Also placing in the top 5 were Blake Waters, Pat Burns, and Nick Trunko. These 5 put De Smet at the lowest score, taking home the gold! Congrats Freshman!

The next race was the Varsity.
"The course looks fast. The woods aren't very muddy. Weather is wonderful, great temperature and the sun is not bright" Matt O'C
The guys came through the first mile exactly as the plan suggested. Kevin Abernathy came through the first mile slightly ahead of the pack of Jacob Seiler, Nick Martini, Matt O'Connor, and John Madey. In the end, Kabes finished a fantastic second place.
"I had to remember what it is like to run that fast to close a race. I met my goals, and beat who I wanted to beat." Kabes
The varsity team finished 6th, as Jacob Seiler, Nick Martini, and Matt O'Connor also meddled. The number is very miss leading because "the plan" is not set up the same as other teams. We have not peaked, when several other teams have. As Kevin mentioned, this meet was great preparation for far more important races, as districts will be held at Central. Zach Boyle (2010 HALL OF FAMER) stuck around after he was finished with his workout for the day.
"I see a lot of potential for improvement. We need to remember that the varsity is
pretty young and still does not have much experience, but they will get there for

The final race of the day was JV. Sophomore Michael Callahan's strategy was simple.
"Win or die trying."
The "carpool group/team" proved to be very successful again with Brian Scherping and Michael Callahan leading the JV.
In only his second career 5k, Senior Brian Scherping took overall 6th place.
"He had a ferocious kick at the end, and that's an understatement, you can quote me." Coach Rob Garwitz after Brian used his 800 speed in a great
finish and almost took #5.

"He cheated." Brian Scherping
Scherping was sure he beat out his opponent for 5th place, but his mom's video proved he was awarded the correct medal. Brian's great time earned him a spot on the Varsity squad when we travel to Rim Rock Farm next weekend. I think I was more excited than he was.

Best Dressed: Both John Madey and Jimmy Reed came through with the long black pants to support Race Day Black, but John wore brown shoes, so Jimmy gets the nod.
"Race Day Black reassures me that I run for a purpose. The more people I see go Race Day Black, the more I see that racing is more than about me. I am here to help the team win. This is a team sport, and Race Day Black reminds me to run for my teammates." Senior John Madey
Quote of the Day: "I got poison ivy for sure, dumb woods." Coach Traughber

(cruel) Joke of the Day: A jersey number with my name on it.

It was a great race for all of the Spartans. Sorry for this being late, Blogspot and I were not getting along Thursday night.

From Parkway Central
Alex Potter

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This Preview has been Approved for All Ages

With our first full team meet tomorrow we had the big Goals Meeting today. Once again it was "not a group project." Afterwards, everyone headed to Central to preview the course. This went really well outside of the JV missing a turn, but better today than tomorrow. There was a lot of communication between the guys so that everyone learned how to run this course.

Parkway Central

This year with most of the seniors missing Forest Park, a new meet was added to the schedule. We will be going to a very familiar course, Parkway Central.

With the meet being on a weekday, we are once again given an opportunity that we do not get when we race on the weekends. That opportunity being to wear Race Day Black to school in preparation for the big meet. Race Day Black was made famous by the great Blake Bender (2010). Blake could always be found in full black attire on days of or Fridays before Saturday meets. Blake also always overpowered the heat and wore all black gear to practice on time trial days, and did so at the Alumni Run. The Milk Table encourages all runners to wear black shorts/pants with their meet day shirts tomorrow to continue the tradition that is Race Day Black.

The team has raced at Parkway Central several times throughout the years. Junior Matt LaFever, Sophomore Mackenzie Smith and senior Dan “Bowman Dan” Bowman talked about how they get used to preparing for races now that they have been doing this for years, and how to get ready for Central in particular.
“Preparing for a race now as a senior is pretty similar as it’s always been. I still eat the same thing, stretch really well, and mentally prepare by listening to gansta rap. The difference is that now I’m in front and people are listening to me and following me, which makes me want to do everything correctly.” Bowman Dan

“Now that I have a few races under my belt, I have a better grasp over what works best for me in the days leading up to a race in terms of how much sleep I should get, what specific foods I should and shouldn’t eat, and what mindset to get myself into. Basically, I don’t have to worry as much because I know what I should be doing. Since I am familiar with the course and my own strengths and weaknesses, I hope to be able to anticipate how I’ll run in a given section and use this knowledge to push myself harder and pace myself better.” LaFev

“Remain positive, and keep my mind focused on the race, and do my very best. I will use the straight a ways to my advantage, and also the down hills to my advantage as well.” Mackenzie

The freshman will be running a 2.4 mile course, which is just under 4k. Freshman Blake Waters talks about what he has learned as the courses continue to get longer.
“I'm still learning, but I'm going to try to pace myself more and save some energy for the sprint at the end.”

Blake is happy with how the season has turned out so far, and has quickly become a part of the lead freshman pack.
“Forest Park went very well. I was a bit nervous at first, but once I got going everything was ok. I am happy that I finished in the top 25 (and got a medal). Running in a pack has improved my pace and pushed me to keep going. It has given me more endurance and has given me much faster times.”

Competing on school days for some can be a problem. It is a long day when you have to attempt to try your hardest in your classes, knowing that you get to compete at the end of the day. Others like having meets after school, because you are more awake, and it can be easier to stay in the routine during the school week as opposed to the weekend.
“I definitely prefer to race on the weekends, there are no distractions during the day and it is not that hard to eliminate the distractions the night before. There is no homework either which gives you time to hydrate, get sleep, and get pumped for the race.” Bowman Dan

“I prefer races on the weekend because I get a lot more sleep on weekends than I do on weekdays.” Mackenzie

“Personally, I prefer working on weekdays when the races are later in the day so my body wakes up and I’m fully alert at the beginning of the warm-up instead of being jolted awake during the warm-up.” LaFev

On Monday, the team reached the peak of their tempo training. Tempo pacing teaches runners what it feels like to run fast for a long period of time. All the runners did great on Monday, and there is no doubt times will drop after the fantastic workout.
“Monday’s workout taught me to go at my own pace and not to use up too much of my energy in the beginning of the run. It taught me to stick with my group because they run at my pace.” Blake Waters

“Yesterday’s workout was intense. It will help the team push past that pain that they will experience in the race. It will also help them by running at least if not more than 3 miles at a hard pace and will get them mentally ready for the 5k all out sprint this Thursday.” Dan Bowman

Special thanks to Dan Bowman, Blake Waters, Mackenzie Smith, and Matt LaFever for answering some questions. This is the first week all four responded! Good luck at Central tomorrow, and remember, Race Day Black.

From Parkway Central
Alex Potter

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Awkward Stop

An AE run for everyone today after yesterday’s capstone. The top guys plus Rob and minus lil OC, who was ellipticizing, were out on Spoede. It was a good, relaxed run. Martini claimed victory in GTTG and Madey was once again, second. At one point we were talking about old-school games that we made-up and played as kids. I wish we could go play American Gladiators in Rob’s basement; it sounded awesome.

Pat Callahan pointed out to me today that something might need to be cleared up for the freshmen and other new guys to the team. When say “Read the Blog” we don’t mean the whole thing, just today’s post. Pat was concerned that guys might try to read the whole thing which would then result in them being on the failure list because there is so much content.

Quote of the Day: “Sooo…”- Seiler when we stopped at Runnymede and Ballas. It was what would be called an awkward stop. You sorta had to be there, but you can take our word for how great it was.

Best Dressed: Today’s x-factor, the haircut. First, it was underclassmen picture day so of course there were some haircuts for that. But second, at Senior Class Mass, Fr. Perl told a haircut joke. So all this obliviously means that a great haircut would win today. And it was Glen McGann that had this great haircut. The morning practice guys noticed it right away when we came in after finishing weights. In one word: Sharp.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another "Capstone" Day for the History Books

Today was arguably the hardest workout of the season so far on all levels. 3-5 continuous tempo miles, no rest. In classic DeSmet XC fashion the team from the V-Squad to the freshman showed up to work turning the afternoon into a great practice.

The unexpected heat after a nice cool weekend was definitely a factor for the athletes today with the sun beating down through the cloudless sky but mental strength proved itself greater than the elements once again. Many impressive performances can be acknowledged today especially within the calvary and its undisputed leaders today being John Madey and Nick Martini. Good work to all, and to those who struggled today, grow from it. It the words of coach Traughber, "It's just one workout".

Perhaps the only other personal highlight worth mentioning from todays practice would be the relaxing cool down I enjoyed today talking mission trips with Mr. Drew Higgins.

Since its a Short Post this evening make sure to get to bed on time!

Also, it was apparently business day for the team (meaning 100% focus on running) with such a legit workout and as a result I have not heard of any Quote or Joke of the day. If any occurred that I didn't have the pleasure of witnessing please comment them.

Best Dressed today must again fall to the team Prima Donna Kevin Abernathy working the still new summer training shirt with matching yellow shorts with the orange headband for an accent. I knew it was him today since the first thing i thought when I saw him come out for practice was that he looked like a setting sun. Shine on Kabes.



(Title: Today's workout is labeled as a "capstone" for tempo workouts meaning that it is the most difficult of them. Which means 5k pace work is coming to a practice near you soon!)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Conversation- Milk Man

This past week, I was able to email back and forth with... Coach Leeman. For the freshman and new runners, Mr. Leeman taught theology classes the last two years and was an assistant coach last cross country and track season. He's a Milk Table Hall of Famer and the blog title is inspired by the table he used to set up in front of the cross country office to sell milk. Mr. Leeman moved to Pittsburgh over the summer where his wife, Kim Possible, is originally from.

AP: How do you like Central Catholic High School? What kind of work do you do there and how is it alike and different from De Smet?
BL: Central Catholic is an all boys, diocesan high school run by Christian Brothers. We have a little less then 850 students, so a little small than De Smet. I teach one freshman religion class, and spend the rest of the day planning service opportunities, retreats, and and preparing for all school masses as the director of campus ministry. As opposed to De Smet, the campus ministry is not made up of several teachers, just me!

AP: How is training for the marathon coming?
BL: Marathon training has gone very well. My coach has been Tim Bradley (same as Coach Traughber) and I am very confident in his plans. The marathon is September 12th (today, update to come) in Erie PA. This will be my second marathon.

AP: What is the plan running wise for after the marathon?
BL: After the marathon I will take a few days off. I hope to do another in the next few months, maybe the one in Dublin OH with Coach Traughber, however my wife is due in February so that might not work out.

AP: Have you gotten a chance to get into coaching this year?
BL: I have. We have a very small team, about 20 guys. We have one guy who ran a 4:19 mile last track season so hopefully we will have a good season.

AP: How do you feel about milk being sold out of the athletic director's office?
BL: I can not support this. There is only one authentic milk store. That is in the cross country office thank you very much!

AP: Will you get a chance to make it back to St. Louis to catch a race this season?BL: It will be tough, but there is a small chance for a weekend in October.

AP: Any advice for younger runners making the jump from JV to Varsity?
BL: My advice is to be as dedicated as possible to your training, and making the most of your talent as a runner. High School is a unique time when many young men will be in the best shape of their lives. I would advise them to appreciate the opportunity that they have to run fast, and be on a team with other guys to train with and compete with. Make the most of your opportunity!

AP: Guesses for Baby Traughber's name?
BL: Boy or girl, I will be disappointed if the kid is not a Brad.

AP: Kobe or LeBron?
BL: Defiantly not LeBron (Mr. "The Decision" is a dive). I'm not sure if I can support Kobe for.... past incidents. So I'll take Charles Barkley for his golf ability and Shaq Daddy for his humor.