De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Thursday, October 15, 2015


So, I couldn’t find an athlete to do a blog post about the MCC meet, and I procrastinated way too long to do a good one. So, I’ll just update everyone on how the team is doing, in a super casual (read not edited) style.
                With the MCC meet behind us, the team has shifted its training and focus for the remainder of the season. For the first time this season, the JV teams and Varsity are split to accommodate the differences in scheduling; the varsity squad will focus on the district meet next Saturday, and the JV/frosh will focus on their final meets of the season, starting this Saturday at Borgia.
                The end of the season always catches me off guard. I stop looking for improvement based on fitness, and start looking for improvement based on pure grit, which everyone is starting to develop at this point. It’s fun to watch massive PR after massive PR, week after week, no matter the course or weather. JV are shifting the balance of the Varsity, and Freshmen are developing their own personality as well as their place on the team. But it’s not just performances and places on the team I am noticing changing. They have all grown so much during the last two and half months. They’re fitter, leaner, stronger, and can endure the constant pounding on pavement, as well as the late nights caused by the demand of daily classes, homework, and school. However, they still have this fire in their eyes that's almost entirely new to this young team. Leaders are emerging and attitudes are being focused on their own. It used to be a battle to get this year’s varsity to focus on a race the next day when they were freshmen, and now this year’s freshmen are modeling them so well, that battle is now just a minor struggle.
                This team wants to get better, and they are just now developing a pack mentality as well as a responsibility for their own fitness and health. A frequent question I am asked is, “(Coach) Boehm, what’s my sandwich time”, to which I will respond with an outrageous time for that person. Unfortunately for my bank account, it isn’t too uncommon for me to owe that person their sandwich the next week. However, more and more frequently, they just want a time. They don’t even care about the sandwich (Thank God); rather they want a mark they know will be just out of reach. They also started to take care of themselves, largely without a coach’s direction. I realize that all of this sounds so small, but self-motivation, self-responsibility, and goals are the building blocks of a great team, and these guys have it.
                I am stoked about the last couple of weeks of the season. Let’s make it a good one.

Sorry for the late blog post