The day didn’t get off on the best foot with a disappointing performance by the 4x800 made up of Waller, Martini, McGann, and Seiler. Mother Nature gave them a good fight with cold and wind, but Senior Jacob Seiler knew that was no excuse for what he called a “bad day.” They bounced back right away by putting it behind them and knocking out some good 200s to be ready to get better the next time around. We had a sweet 200 marked off below the throws events with our Ancient Chinese wooden batons. And it had a banked turn.

DeSmet won the meet with a total of 163 points. This was 6 points fewer than last year, but the greatest margin of victory (95) we have had at All-Catholic. Here’s a link to the Creve Couer Patch’s coverage (story and pictures) of the meet Thanks to parents and all the guys who weren’t running that came out to support us!
Quote of the Day: “Take that Mrs. Neary!”- Coach Russo instructing me on what to do with our first place trophy. He said bring it in on Monday and say that as a slammed it on her desk. Apparently that’s what all DeSmet teams are supposed to do when they win something.
Joke of the Day: “Callahans, watch out.”- Coach Bergman. There was a hawk flying around in the sky that according to Coach Williams had actually swooped down and grabbed a rabbit earlier in the day.
Title: Those are the words Coach Russo used to describe the victory in Monday’s announcement.