De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parkway Central Round 2

       Today the team met at DeSmet at 8 a.m. for a long run. Once again, we ran to Malcolm Terrace Park for some loops. It was chilly this morning as Coach Albes, Boehm, Mahood, and Schumacher lead the groups out to the roads. When we got to Malcolm, Coach Williams and Russo were at the usual park table with the water waiting for us. The three top groups were sure to hit the assigned paces after the outcome of the meet last Thursday, which is described later. The park trails were just a little damp from the previous rain, but the temperatures stayed down which was a nice. This could possibly be the end of the 90 degree days. Fall is in sight.

       Last Thursday was the Parkway Central Invitational. The race was held on the Central course, which will be our district and sectional course again this year. The freshman 2.4 mile race was first up, and the young Spartans did not disappoint. They captured 2nd place out of ten teams with the top five De Smet finishers being Eric Boland, Nathan Bira, Harry Reinagel, Sean Geimer, and Adam Craig. Congrats to the freshman!
       Next race, the varsity 5k, did not turn out as well as the freshman race did. The team took 4th out of 14 schools. Our goal was to win the meet, which was very possible if we ran well, but we could not put it together this meet. Collin Sullivan turned in the team's best performance with a 13th place finish. The team will take this as something to learn from and use it as motivation for next week at Rim Rock.
     The JV race was the final race. These guys really showed up to run. Out of the 13 participating teams, they came in first! Outstanding performances across the board: Patrick Callahan (2nd), Justin Potter (3rd), Jimmy Reed (5th), Andrew Hubbard (14th), and Mason Bracken (17th). This was a dominant performance by all of the JV runners.
Justin Potter, Patrick Callahan, Andrew Hubbard, and Jimmy Reed (1 step behind out of the picture) leading the race

       Thank you for reading and have a great rest of the weekend.