De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Friday, May 6, 2011


After returning the MCC Track Trophy to DeSmet on their on their final day of classes, the seniors had graduation practice today and then ran on their own.
We got our shield! Way to go guys!

The sprinters had a short practice and then shaved Coach Williams head afterwards. Brian, Jacob, and I had 45, 60, and 75 minute runs respectively.

We at a big breakfast this morning so we decided to kill some time by sitting in on Coach’s freshmen World History class. Jacob and I got 3 out of 5 on and quiz and Brian was too afraid to take it. We helped answer some other questions and then Coach had a powerpoint on the Roman Empire. In case you didn’t know, their greatest legacy is their Law (that will be on the test!). It was Austin’s class and the freshmen enjoyed having us in there and we had a lot of fun learning with them.

For the run we decided to go west on Olive. This meant we got to go over the highway and get in a sweet super weave and some parkour. We eventually made it to Millennium Park, where we decided to turn around. But before we left Brian insisted on us running around the baseball field and going down a slide. On the way back, we realized that we were going to be early. So, we made a stop at the parking garage next to the building with the indoor track. There was nobody around and we all the way up to the top and looked out over the surrounding area.

On the way back down, we did imaginary baton passes on all the turns. We didn’t want to go back to the entrance of the parking garage because it was farther from Olive. That meant that we needed to “break out.” We hopped a wall, balanced on the ledge, jumped the bushes, and ran up the hill to Olive. This was no problem for Jacob and I, but Brian was a different story. He couldn’t quite get the escape thing figured out. It was hilarious when Brian was standing on the ledge looking around all confused about what to do while Jacob and I were yelling at him to jump.

It was a great day for the three seniors. We had an awesome run together and then meet back up that night for prom and had even more fun.
Quote of the Day: (see baseball field at Millennium Park) “Let’s go roll in the dirt. It’s baseball season.”- Scherping.

Joke of the Day: “Scherping, how about you take this question. The answer starts with T.”- Coach Traughber while we were sitting in on his class. It was a True or False question.

Monday, May 2, 2011

AP Workout

Most the team was competing at SLUH today. More complete coverage will probably be up tomorrow.

As for the rest of us, it was time for the big pre-conference workout. I was running miles and 400s. Seiler, Martini, and Austin had 1200s and 400s. The 800 guys (Scherping, Waller, and O’Connor) had 600s and 300s. All of us looked really strong today and hit our paces in the gloomy May weather. With coach at the meet, Potter and I helped will Scherping through the 2nd half of his workout. After the mile cooldown it was time for core. As part of it, Scherping and I added the Boyle Fist Pump workout to prep us for the uncoming Prom.

We had some more good times hanging out and drinking chocolate milk in the AD office. Martini might have made a breakthrough discovery about why we drink chocolate milk instead of white milk. He proposed: Chocolate milk has a kid on a bike on the carton. Extreme. White milk probably has a kid reading a book. Boring.

Now it’s time to rest up and get focused for MCCs on Thursday.

Quote of the Day: “Darn it! Looks like I missed a great workout.”- Coach Traughber when he got back to DeSmet after the meet and was checking out the times from the workout.

Joke of the Day: “Kevin! You should call me tonight and then call coach and link the calls so I can surprise him and say ‘Hi coach!’ and tell him all about the workout.”- Scherping during core. Unfortunately for Brian, T-bone made it back to DeSmet before we left so we just told him about the workout in person.

Best Dressed: kabes & Matt OC. They both brought out some throwback jerseys for the workout. Matt had the mesh 80s jersey; Kevin had the nearly see-though jersey of the 90s. No better way to get ready for the conference meet than to go back to DeSmet roots for extra inspiration.

Title: Both Seiler and Scherping came to practice straight from the AP Psychology test. Even after working their brains for around 3 hours, they had the focus to have a great workout. Big test, big workout. We know one went well. The other we won’t hear about for awhile.

PS- Sorry about the long layover with posts. Bear with us. It’s crunch time at DeSmet right now for the seniors so we’ve been pretty busy. But! We’re working on some sweet posts from last week that should be up soon.

Happy Reading & Running!