De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

A lot happened this week so I will again make sure to touch again on the more important details. Wednesday was our first race of the season and we did not run very well in the 102 degree heat. Our new sophomore, Austin Del Rosso, was the exception, finishing 9th with a 10:32. Matt and I were able to crack the top 20 with finishes of 15th and 19th. I got dizzy halfway through and had trouble keeping my pace.  We ran well for one mile with Matt, Nick, Austin, and myself in the top 12 , but then our pack broke. We finished fourth to Marquette, Eureka, and Mehlville. That's all I'm going to say about this meet because we definitely didn't live up to our potential. Like I said, we lost to Mehlville.

However, we were able to respond on Friday morning's continuous tempo workout. Our pack of Nick, Matt, Austin, and myself  were able to stay together for five miles of continuous tempos, with a three minute break in between the third and fourth miles. We ran all five miles under 6 minutes and coach told us that we ran 17:32 pace for the first three miles. This showed myself that running is almost all mental concentration, so I hope that our good results in the tempo workout will continue over into our first 5k September 15th at Parkway Central. After school on Friday our practice was canceled because of an excessive heat warning. Our varsity team lifted weights and then Coach sent us home for a three day break over the Labor Day Weekend.
Final Notes:
1.)Nick, Matt, and myself were honored by receiving recruitment letters from Fontbonne University to run for them.

2.) My friend/log run partner/co-worker Claire Minnick finished an impressive 2nd in the girls varsity race.

3.) Today is Kevin Abernathy (Kabes) birthday. Happy birthday Kevin!

4.) Pictures were provided by Alex Potter.