De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ducks on the Pond

Some of the most exciting events took place today. Here at DeSmet, I ran the 1500m Simulator. At the same time over at SLUH, the final meet of the year: The Highway 40Distance Classic.

Starting with a lonely mile warm-up, I was gearing up for maybe the biggest workout of the year. The 1500m Simulator consists of a 4x200 followed by an 800 with an 800 jog rest and a 300 with another 800 before repeating. The 200s and 800s are at race pace, 33 and 2:13 for me. The 300 is run a little faster. Intense! And let me tell you it’s as hard as it sounds. But after 30 minutes it was all over, and I had another great workout in the bag.

On the other side of town, our guys had a meet unlike anything we’ve ran before. The first ever Highway 40 Distance Classic had a meet schedule that looked like this: 1600 at 4:15, 3200 at 4:25, and 400 at 4:40. For a distance guy, it doesn’t get much better than that. The meet featured only the Spartan of DeSmet and the Jr. Bilikens of SLUH. In the mile, Goetz and Jack Husmann both broke 5 in the mile for the first time. Jack’s 4:53 is a very impressive time for a freshman. Way to go Jack! A couple of the guys lead by Seiler PRed in the 2 mile.

Title: As I was running my reverse mile cool down, Coach Williams pointed out some baby ducks and geese on our pond. Yes, our little retention pond has life. It was actually really cool seeing some ducklings out there. If you keep your eyes peeled you may see them too.

1 comment:

  1. i was wondering about your 1500 workout. you seemed so excited about it on saturday and it seems like it went pretty good.
    the meet was awesome, it was only 25 minutes long from the start of the mile until the end of the 3200. get rid of all the unnecessary events and the meets are much better. tyler (baby oc [11]) also showed off his skills on the track with a blazing 84 second 400.
