De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Thursday, June 3, 2010

With a new season, comes a new Blogmaster

Last Friday, Blogmasters Kabes, Zach, and Padre appointed me as the heir apparent to the open Blogmaster spot, left open by Hall of Famer Zachary Boyle.

My first duty will be corespondent for week one of Cross Country camp. Kabes will be in Spain. And Jacob, will be at work. I'll do my best to hold down the ship.

Zach, I'v moved into the appartment, it's only big enough for one. Farwell post needs to be up soon (Kabes' orders)



  1. Guys, remember that camp starts next week 8AM on Monday.

    I have begun updating the XC website for 2010, I need to make sure I have batteries on Monday so I can download the pictures from the camera for the final ROWs and Alex Potter's state picture.

    You can also download the summer plan from the XC website if you do not have your copy.

    Please use the Cross Country Website link on the right side of this page, I can't seem to add a link in this comment.

    Cross Country Web page

  2. are you guys going to blog over summer?
