De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Circle of Life

The next greatest thing behind Saturday Morning Cartoons? Saturday Morning Continuous Tempos. That’s what we had today, and it was superb. It was also a great day for the team as a whole. For the first time all year, we had a full team warm-up, cool-down, stretch, and core.

We headed off to Conway Park to knock-out the tempos. Everyone, from top to bottom, was tremendous today. Guys went after their 2, 3, or 4 miles on the renowned Conway mile loop. Of course we were aided by the booming voice of T-bone at the fork, pushing all of us to have a good workout. It was the final prep-work for the Nike XC Kickoff this coming Wednesday. After a few recovery days, we are going to be sharp and ready to race.

Upon returning to DeSmet, we found that we were the only ones around. So, there was no hesitation in us moving to the middle of the field for stretching. The team looked awesome surrounding the big D. Coach Traughber went around the circle distributing knuck-bumps to everyone for the solid effort. After the very successful full team stretch and core routine, we brought it in and had a “1-2-3 DESMET!” We don’t do that often so it was pretty cool.

Quote of the Day: “Wow, this stretching is so great. I feel way more flexible.”- Glen

Joke of the Day: “Horrible. Horrible. Pitiful. Terrible. You’re ugly.”- Rob commenting on our side leg lifts. He said the last one was to me.

Best Dressed: Beers. He wasn’t discouraged by his narrow defeat earlier in the year. Mega Group was doing its own jersey day in prep for Jersey Week. Matt, as a member of Mega Group was participating. It wasn’t exactly his jersey that set him apart. It was the fact that he got a “sweet shirt” from one of the football players who have their first game today. And it was unquestionably a sweet shirt. It was a 2006 Italy World Cup Champions jersey with pictures of the team and the cup.

Jersey Week: Monday kicks off jersey week with Soccer.


  1. that is a terrible quote

  2. It is no way terrible. Glen and I totally agreed that for some unknown reason the stretching felt so much better when we were on the turf yesterday. It's like the turf's magic or something.

  3. pretty quick to hate potter
