De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Conversation

Andrew O'Connor (2010) made a special appearance at Rim Rock Farm yesterday.

AP: How excited were you that you got to come to the race yesterday?
OC: I was really looking forward to being around the team again.

AP: What did you see from the JV guys?
OC: They ran well. They tried to stay together like the coaches had been telling the varsity. Seamus ran the race of his life.

AP: How about the varsity?
OC: They did exactly what they were told. Kevin ran a great race against some of the best runners around. 2-5 stayed together and all finished pretty close. Matt and Martini set big PRs. Waller and Scherping did a great job of holding on as long as they could.

AP: How is Mizzou treating you?
OC: It's great! Everyone that comes should do the running club!

AP: What's that?
OC: It is part of the national running club league, I don't remember the name but it's legit. About 30-40 guys meet as many as twice a day to run and get in race shape.

AP: You have a race Sunday?
OC: There is a race, but I won't be running. I'll be there working it though.

AP: How has the De Smet running program prepare you for college and all that comes with along with college?
OC: I learned many useful lessons, but time management has defiantly been the most useful.

AP: What do you miss the most?
OC: Defiantly the team atmosphere.

AP: Thought on Baby T Bone's name? This might be the last time I ask this question!
OC: I think Steve and Connor will be involved. So if it is a boy it will be Steven Connor T Bone. If it is a girl it will be Stephanie Colleen T Bone.

AP: How is the fantasy team looking?
OC: Big disappointment. Chris Johnson really let me down last week. Knowshon Moreno (GEORGIA BULL DOGS ALUM) has been carrying the team, but this will be a bounce back week for sure.

AP: Kobe or LeBron?
OC: Kobe no doubt.


  1. Thanks for coming out big OC.
    In other news: official "milktable sunday conversation" logo has arrived once I regain internet access.

  2. It was great to see you OC. Continued luck with everything at Mizzou.

    And the logo is up!

  3. and the logo kicks arse, I might add.

  4. fyi this was posted at 11:11 FTW! and the logo is AWESOME! good job guys

  5. Great work at Rim Rock boys. T-Bone was very excited and talked about how great you guys did all night. I am so proud of everyone's time improvements. Keeping doing it, like a boss. ;)
    P.S. Although Prefontaine is a legend in the Traughber house, our child will not be named after him.
