De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Conversation

This week I interviewed a fan favorite, Ed O'Brien (2010)

AP: Where are you at these days and what are you studying?
ED O: I am at University Missour of Kansas City School of Medicine. I am studying medicine though I will have a B.L.A. degree

AP: How has the college expierence been treating you?
ED O: College is good, and it has probably been made easier that everyone in the program has become a close community

AP: Are you still running? I remember you bought several pairs of shoes at your last team day.
ED O: Yes, I am still running, and with a friend of mine we started our own Med School running club

AP: What do you miss most about the De Smet running program?
ED O: I miss working with the guys everyday and seeing how everyone improves. Not to mention our crazy conversations

AP:How does it feel to be looked at as a legend, especially with the self proclaimed "mega group"?
ED O: It feels good, but I know that I had the support of a lot of people who helped me to reach my potential

AP: Advise for guys as the season enters the home stretch?
ED O: Keep running hard, don't worry about the time, don't worry about the guys behind you, focus on the guys ahead of you and pick them off one by one

AP: Do you follow the results of the team at all?
ED O: Not as much as I would like to, especially now with tests every week and a none stop need to be prepared for docent team (hospital experience teams)

Thoughts for Baby Traughber's name?
ED O:Well I first need to know if the baby is a boy or a girl. I think Edward is a good name (just kidding) it depends on what Mrs. Traughber wants. William might work and if the baby is a girl Emily or Katherine, but it is really up to Mrs. Traughber.

AP: Kobe or LeBron?
ED O: LeBron


  1. We miss you Doctor Ed and good choice on LeBron. Have a good time in college.

  2. good choice on Lebron

  3. EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally jumped for joy when I saw that. Good get potter and it was very well written and good Luck with school soon to be Dr.


  4. the shirt color is coming down to the wire vote for orange!!!

  5. best sunday interview so far. Ed, if you see this, come to the Lou for a run sometime this year. Good luck sir.

  6. Great to hear from you, Ed O. Best of luck at UMKC.
