De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man Down

Well with Insignis behind us it’s time to get back to blogging. Coming up soon will be some back dated posts from last week. As for today, the squad was broken up into three different groups for the different meets going on this. Check back here to keep up on all the action this week.

To kill some time waiting for the juniors to return from projects, we played a little catch on the turf. A lot of people got in on it and we had a lot of fun for like 15 minutes. There’s nothing like a 4 man alley-oop double play.

We were missing a handful of guys today especially near the top. Some were retreating, one was sick, and another got unlucky over the weekend. This meant that the top and largest group today was cut in half for their workout. Matt O’Connor, John Waller, and Michael Callahan were up to the challenge.
They worked through the 800s on pace despite missing group leader and all-star pacer, Jacob Seiler. Also not there, but still at practice was Austin. He and the rest of the team had either a Mosley or Greaser AE run before they race on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

The three man workout team had an outstanding workout today. Their positive attitude and ability to control the workout were the keys to their success. O’Connor and Waller alternated lap leads on the 800, passing an imaginary baton. I guess whatever works.

I was doing a workout everyone else did about a week ago—the combination hill/track workout. It was a tough one. Mile pace 200s uphill and then mile pace 400s on the track. I battled a wall of wind coming up the hill but stayed just about on pace throughout. I was just really happy to be out there working hard and running fast. Looking forward to when I’m running the same workout as the rest of the guys.

Quote of the Day: “I have twelve more in me, coach.”- Matt O’Connor to T-bone after he asked if he had another 800 left in him.

Joke of the Day: “They both hate their lives.”- Coach Russo talking about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. He doesn’t much like the Easter Bunny and was going off it. Hilarious. We were cracking up during core.

Best Dressed: Matt O’Connor. He was looking good today in the powder blue winter training shirt and blue short shorts. His attire lead Matt to an all-around great day of practice. He played a good center field, destroyed his workout, and topped it all off by getting Kevin back with an excellent cooler dump. Look good and good will follow.

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