De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Sunday, August 14, 2011

All About the Alumni

Today was the third annual alumni run. The alumni continued to dominate the event with Connor Callahan (2009) defending his title in the two mile by finishing under 10 minutes. Connor was followed by Kevin Abernathy (2010), Coach Tom (2007), and Zach Boyle (2010). I finished sixth coming in 10:49, and finishing first on my team. The varsity athletes were decked out in the retro jerseys from the glory days. The jerseys were extremely uncomfortable and we complained as they stuck to our skin in the hot sun. I was followed closely by my teammates Nick Martini and Matt O'Connor. Junior Michael Callahan battled the heat to run a great time of 11:03.

Andrew O'Connor (2010) took home the gold in the mile. Andrew ran a 5:30 while battling through an injury, and was followed closely by senior Tim Pickle, who is trying to make the jump from running intermediate races during track to the 5000 meter cross country race. After the two races, the alumni     and the athletes gathered under the new alumni pavilion above the football stadium to enjoy a great barbecue lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, and cookies. I really enjoyed catching up with my former teammates including Joe Gibson, Alex Potter, Zach Boyle, Henry Cleaver, and John Madey (Bulldog). Classmate Durron Neal helped catch Madey, Potter, and myself up on the upcoming football season where D plans to lead the Spartans to a state championship after losing in the semi-finals the previous two years.                                                                                                           

1 comment:

  1. Good post! However, a wise man once told me complaining gets you no where.
