De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Super Smash Bros

Most of the team was at a Tri-Meet at SLUH today; there were only six of us practicing at DeSmet: Boyle, Stack, Seiler, Potter, Scherping, and me. Being a small group was nice. We got to hang out with T-Bone which is always a lot of fun. He doesn’t quite get what we do or why we do it, but he likes us anyways. We were split into two groups for the speed workout, 800 guys (Potter, Scherping, Boyle) and other guys. The 800 guys had 3 4x2s at race pace. The rest of us had an 8x400 at race pace. It was short, but still reasonably tough.

The title comes from the today’s meet. On the team, we have three sets of brothers: O’Connor, Potter, Morgenthaler, and Callahan (the last two sets being twins). All these brothers had showdowns in the 3200m race. It is not often that brothers race against each other, but three sets of brothers on the same day, simply impressive. Here is a meet recap from Matt OC:

First of all I would like to congratulate everybody on a fantastic track meet. We started out by taking home the silver in the 4 x 8 with our power house team of Higgins, Fitzpatrick, Rudolph, and Reed. After that great race we had a great mile with top 5 finishes from Goetz and Hamilton. After that we went off to open 800 with one top 5 finish from Reed. Then we moved on to the 2 mile were DeSmet basically dominated. Lead by lil OC, then OC, Next Hussmann, and M. Callahan. We also had a couple of other DeSmet runners behind them I just don’t want to say who because I don’t know who they are for sure. If you read this you can put your name in the comments and I am sorry for not knowing for sure. Today we had an all around great meet and congratulations to everybody who competed in their awesome races.

Best Dressed: Boyle. He had a simple look that that mirrored the simple practice. He wore the awesome Ricky Bobby training shirt with green shorts that were a great match to the green writing on the shirt. On top of this, he also continued his streak of outstanding workouts.


  1. i think you forgot the potters so there are 4 brother combos with 2 sets of twins

  2. He was talking about the brother combos in the two mile. I'll be sure to get in the next two mile.

  3. Yea, but I did leave off the potters in the list on the team, so I just changed it. Thanks OC.

  4. We can get it poppin like a semi-automatic, and if ya got beef, I’ll put the biscuit on the patty

  5. OC you spelled my name wrong. it is Husmann with one S not Hussmann. I just thought i would point that out.
