De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taste the Rainbow

With the majority of the team having completed the workout yesterday, today was a three man effort: Potter, who took the day off to ease his aching back; Matt OC, who went home with a stomach ache yesterday probably hoping to skip the workout, and Abernathy, who ran 41 laps on the track. It was test day; everything was going to be fast. Matt had the option to either run with Alex (two 4x200s) or me (8x400). Alex convinced him to do his first ever 800 workout because of the 8 minute rest in between the 4x200s.

It was defiantly a hard workout, but it went really well. I was knocking out 67s and 68s while Alex and Matt were consistently hitting around 30. They even dropped a 28 in there which was a 200 PR for Matt.

After practice, we discovered how many DeSmet runners it takes to tape ice to someone’s back. Being cautious Coach asked Potter to put ice on his back after practice. He had to go to the meet so I said I would do it. I had no idea what I was getting into. We went into the trainer’s room and Matt followed. Even his help was not enough; the three of us were defeated by the ice. Four bags of ice and lots of rap wouldn’t do it. Lucky, Coach Williams appeared and saved the day with so handy work. The secret was to do a couple raps in X form.

Quote of the Day: “It must be Skittles day” – Coach Traughber referring to the three of wearing colorful shorts. Alex had red, Matt had Yellow, and I had Orange.


  1. How many runners does it take to tape a back? Apparently more then 3.

  2. I'd say it sorta like dividing by zero, it just can't be done.
