De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Malcolm Mystery

Once upon a time, there was a group a group of 14 DeSmet runners. They were split into two groups and asked to go to Malcolm Terrace Park to solve the Case of the Mystery Workout. Upon arrival they we greeted by Potter and Stack. During the freestyle skips they noticed a clue. There were orange cones that appeared to be marking a course of some kind. Still unsure of what was going to happen, T-bone gave them the next clue—the workout was a ladder. Armed with this new knowledge and the fact they remembered to check the board, the runners realized they were going to run a 5k ascending ladder. They were told that to solve the case they needed to stay in a pack. This was no problem for them early as the distances were short. Then came the last thing standing between them and solving the case—the mile. They nailed it, right on pace! A victory 400, with the last 200 all-out, was in order to celebrate the brilliant work done by the DeSmet runners in solving the Case of the Mystery Workout.

*—I was trying to write the post as a classic children’s mystery book. With “Malcolm Mystery” as title because of the workout and its location, I figured it was worth a shot to mix it up a bit today and venture away from the regular blog writing style.—*

And now a word from Glen McGann on what was going on with the rest of the team:
For those of you are unaware, today marked the 27th day since the epic beginning of the greatest group to ever assemble, Mega Group. Today Mega Group ran the run that started it all a, Falaise. We talked about the humble beginnings of Mega Group and our favorite running memories. It was a fun run filled with riddles, Mad Libs, and the famous Mega Group theme song. In addition, Matt Beers finally solved a riddle that he couldn’t figure out for over a week.

Glen McGann and the rest of the JV Squad

Quote of the Day: “I didn’t rescore the meet. Well… actually I did. BUT, that does matter because you can’t do that in real life.”- Coach Traughber during the Top 14 post-Central meeting.

Joke of the Day:
Coach Russo: “If you take a line you are not as cool as you think you are.”
Higgins: “Unless you are a senior.”
Coach Russo: “In that case then you are really not as cool as you think you are.”
-written by McGann-

Best Dressed: Steve Placht dressed in the yellow De Smet Summer Scholars shirt and black shorts with matching yellow stripes.
-written by McGann-

REMEMBER: Tomorrow is Solid Color Day. It's simple: wear as close to only one color as you can. So that's matching shirt and shorts in one color. Avoid shirts with words as that add colors. Comment what color you want so we can get some nice variety. And there will be a blog pic!


  1. Glen, Thanks you very much for the contribution. A lot of great stuff. We love getting content from other guys.

  2. Very strong workout by all.

    Glen currently in the lead for the award that I won for most guest posts that I can't remember the name of because pat destroyed the award.

  3. alex dont lie. you crumbled it up

  4. I got GRAY tomorrow.

    Potter, it's the Secret Weapon Award and I have your new one.

  5. Very funny quotation today. I also didn't rescore the meet with a pack and reached didn't reach the same conclusion as Coach Traughber.

    If you guys race like you practiced today and there won't be any coaches not rescoring meets. Awesome work.
