De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Flies When We’re Having Fun

The JV and Freshmen had the Warrior Invitational at Arnold Park. Here is a quick meet recap:
The meet began with the JV race. With the top 14 not racing, Coach Traughber stressed stepping up and filling their spots. The JV team finished in 4th place behind solid efforts by Matt Beers, Justin Potter, Dan Bowman, Mackenzie Smith, and myself. Next, came the Freshmen for their first 5K. They finished in a solid 5th place. The team was lead by Steve Placht, Patrick Burns, Blake Waters, Matt Barkofske, and Ben Gliedt. Matt, Justin, and Steve all received medals for being in the top 20 in their races.

Yours Truly,
Glen McGann
A Mega Group Leader

The Rim Rock squad headed out to Katy Trail for the first time this year. The best way to describe the run is in the words of Jacob Seiler, “Family Game Night!” After the Bridge Warm-up and some freestyle skipping we headed out for a long run, 70-85 minutes. All those minutes flied by as we had a great time today.

This fun stemmed from a series of games we played while running. Katy Trail was an excellent location for this. The wide paths and low traffic allowed us to go four across, stay in a big pack, and talk without annoying people. We started with Mad Libs Stories. Each guy says one word and we try to create a story if you mess-up you’re out. We had some pretty funny ones. The best was a story about Hall of Famer Zach Boyle’s flow. It was hilarious. Jacob was the champ as he made it to the final two both games. We then took a short break and sang some Classic Church songs, a Katy Trail Tradition. Next we moved on to the Famous Person Game. This one can be a little challenging. You have to name a person with a first name starting with the first letter of the pervious person’s last name. It requires a large data base of names and quick recall. I took home the gold here. We finished with a game of rapid I-Spy. Madey, Martini, and Waller tied.

Quote of the Day: Why-are-we-speeding-up-question-mark. – Scherping talking to the group in Mad Libs style when the pace got a little too quick.

Best Dressed: Michael Callahan. He knew the importance of stepping up you game for the off campus runs. He broke out the golf-visor today. As far as I know, it the first visor we have ever seen on the team. And he made it look darn good with the complimenting sunglasses.

NOTE: Thursday is going to be a themed day. We are telling you now so that you can plan ahead and so we can have a great turnout. The theme is Solid Color Day. Try to wear as close to one solid color as possible. So if you have red shorts wear a red shirt. Avoid stripes and words as they add colors. Good Luck and Bring your A-Game Thursday.


  1. Way to Go in the meet, guys!

    We had a noteworthy performance by Coach Rob today who did an excellent job getting us the water on this hot day.

  2. OC
    i was also running on katie trail today!! i wonder how close we got to each other?

  3. Everyone check back in tonight for my exlcusive interview with Potter.

  4. wow waller really?? a little selfish there....

  5. it will have so much more with the pre-Rim Rock rundown. anonymous=lame.

  6. Anonymous,
    shut up this blog is great. but waller, that was kinda selfish to broadcast something all about yourself.. haha

  7. OC, no way! That's crazy. Probably only a few miles.

    Anyone else excitied for Thursday? I can't wait!

  8. wise words glen
    keyword "mega group"
    and who the hell is anonymous
