De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, October 11, 2010


First off the team would like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Lamping for bringing us bagels and Gatorade's after practice

Today everyone on the JV team had the same run 55 minutes

It was me, Pribe, Beers, Sullivan, Waters and Potter in a group and we eventually merged with Michael Callahan, Vieth, Glen Mcgann, Jimmy Reed and Steve Placht. Now Creve Cour Park as always was freakin sweet. Especially all the dirt gravel side paths right alongside the asphalt path. It was on one of these that me and Potter discovered the bridge of Teribethia. After a water and bathroom stop me, Potter, and Pribe got separated from the rest of the group.

We saw some Canadian ducks (geese) and ducks along the way although Pribe insisted factually that they were geese not Canadian ducks as Potter said they were. Then we saw an Australian squirrel which was really just a extremely small dog. Then we had 4 by 200s at at mile pace at the end of our run. There would be more but I promised Alex Potter to keep it family friendly.

The title is confidential.

Best dressed Nick Martini with his McDonald's’ hat

Quote/joke of the day “ Do you want me to magically stop being a loser, and get girls”-Collin Sullivan when Vieth asked his group why they didn’t hang out with public school girls?

Pat "Foglamesh" Callahan


  1. What a looker! Now all she needs is a little DeSmet Bling T! Welcome Little Miss Traughber. Liz you did great work and Coach, you must be so proud. On another note, can't wait until the Bulldog is back with his pack.

  2. Best post ever! Great job Patrick.

  3. Nice work Fog.

    It's always a bummer missing out on CC Lake days.
