"Hey guys. Yea, this is it. The big surprise. A blog! Oh yeah. It's going to be awesome. It's the biggest thing since twitter. Zach and I are like really excited about this and think it will be only a matter of time before everybody enjoys reading and commenting on these posts. You're going to find a little bit of everything in here. There'll be stuff about practices and races, pictures and links, along with other random stuff that we think you guys will like."On Wednesday March 10th, 2010, Kabes posted this as the first ever blog post. On Sunday October 10th, 2010, The Milktable has hit 100 posts. Naturally, the 100th post is a Sunday Conversation with co founder, former Blogmaster, and 2010 Hall of Famer Zach Boyle.
AP: How is college treating you?
ZB: Fantastically! The college schedule has been by far the best thing to happen to me since chocolate milk. Waking up at 11 for class has given me a new approach to life and really opened my world to a opportunity for napping.
AP: Tell me about the Maryville Cross Country team. Have you traveled anywhere yet?
ZB: We are a young team with freshmen and sophomores making up the majority of the team. We are also very geographically spread out with runners from California, Nebraska, Minnesota, Alabama, and New Jersey (fist pump). So far our biggest trip was to OSU where we got to run against some awesome DI schools and specifically German Fernandez, a 8:34 Two miler. Our next big trip is to Arkansas and we finish our season up in Wisconsin at the footlocker course at Kenosha.
AP: How is it different than De Smet?
ZB: 6k’s, 8k’s, and 10k’s Oh my! The biggest difference is the race distance. It’s a shock the first time you come through the 5k and realize that you still have another 2 miles to go. And with our first 10k coming up this weekend it’s going to get even tougher.
AP: What do you miss most about High School Running?
ZB: I miss the big team. In college our whole team is about 12 guys which has its advantages but I loved doing workouts with the big team and having the freshmen cheer on the seniors and vice versa.
AP: What is the most important lesson the De Smet running program taught you?
ZB: Time management by far. You can have a lot of fun in college and forget your actually here to go to school and get an education but having gone to DeSmet and going through the running program I learned a lot of time management skills that are coming in use now.
AP: YOU are the 100th blog post!
ZB: “DO I GET A CAR?!?!?! No? … But Oprah did it!”
AP: In all honesty, did you think it would get this far on that wet April day when you and kabes were scheming this up?
ZB: To be honest no. At the time we talked about extending it over summer and into cross country season the following year but our first goal was to make it through track season and as a writer that first year I remember a couple of nights where it was difficult to find the time, or energy, to write up a blog post and thought that maybe this won’t last. However, due mostly in part to Kabes the Blog is alive and stronger then ever!
AP: Your vision for the Blog when all current Blogmasters step aside?
ZB: I see two possible outcomes. 1. Younger members see the importance of the blog and step up to carry on the tradition or 2. (and more likely) The blog falls into the wrong hands, anarchy ensues while the villains terrorize the world wide web, al gore gets involved somehow to make a documentary about it and Foglamesh must come in to save humanity.
AP: Have you brought out the flag shorts? And on average, are your shorts the shortest of anybody else's on the team as they were at De Smet?
ZB: I have busted out the short shorts and to my astonishment I’M NOT ALONE! A fellow teammate Phillip Beam, originally from West Plains, has the Mexico flag shorts we make sure to coordinate these regularly. I always strive to have the shortest but there is some stiff competition though they do love the retro green and the business pinstripe shorts are a crowd favorite.
AP: How do you feel about T-Bone having a daughter?
ZB: Score Liz-1 T-Bone-0. I see Liz having the time of her life dressing up baby T in a variety of girly dresses which I will allow as long as she lets T-Bone start having her begin training shortly.
AP: See you in Jeff City in a few weeks?
ZB: Sadly I will be in Kenosha Wisconsin for our conference Meet but not to worry I will be receiving updates during the race so no slacken… Fools!
Advice as the playoffs begin?
ZB: Get your rest! Injuries have been a problem this season and now with shorter practices you should use the time to SLEEP. Also stay hydrated and do what ever T-Bone tells you he’s a smart guy.
AP: Kobe or Le Bron?
ZB: Its ALL about Dwayne Wade, ALL the time!
Congrats to Zach, Kabes, and Jacob Seiler who started in the blog 7 months ago. I'm counting on 100 more!
Your a funny man Zach Boyle
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the blog and mr boyle!
Just saw the Hall of Fame Articles and they are awesome.
ReplyDeleteBrings tears to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteHappy 100th post!
I loved it!
A proud day for the Milk Table: Post 100. A touching moment for me.
ReplyDeleteZach, Thank you so much for helping make the dream a reality.
And thank you everyone else for making the Milk Table awesome.