De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Conversation

Last week, the Enforcer returned. Blake Bender (2010) returned to De Smet for the first time since his enforcing days ended.

AP: How is SLU treating you and what are you studying?
BB: SLU is going great, I am currently in the Business School and I plan on majoring in Finance. Classes so far are not too much of a struggle.

AP: What is the best part of college?
BB: CHICKSSSSSSSSSSS. Not really, just kidding, I didn't become a tool since the school year started. I promise. But the best part is definitely the freedom that comes with living away from home. Even though I am still in St. Louis, I love having to rely on myself to get up in the morning and do what I need to do everyday.

AP: What do you miss most about the De Smet running program?
BB: The thing I miss the most is the camaraderie that comes with practicing all year long with teammates. I miss the relationships that were developed through the wear and tear of cross country season.

AP: What is the most important thing the program taught you?
BB: Always, and I mean always, get the traditional plus one pancake at First Watch.

AP: How did white team (Poelker era) soccer get you ready to run in 3 state meets?
BB: White team soccer with Poelker is the ideal prep for cross country season. Being part of the dynasty that is white soccer gave me the mental strength to go out and win whenever was necessary. Plus "running trees" is the hardest workout I have ever run.

AP: How often have you ran since cross country ended last season?
BB: I did not run much last winter due to getting ready for the volleyball season, but since I have been at SLU, I have been running about three times a week, about 4 or so miles every run.

AP: How do you feel about milk being sold out of the athletic director's office, instead of the milk man setting up his table outside T Bone's office?
BB: :(

AP:How were you able to be "invincible"?
BB: A good magician never tells his secret.

AP:How did the Enforcer come to be? What is the original Enforcer story?
BB: Legend says that during my first race, at Forest Park my sophomore year, I knocked down to opponents. They were "throwin bows" and I held my ground. Overall, my record was 9 knockdowns, while only being knocked down once. (Gene Morgenthaler, State Junior Year)

AP: Jordan hasen't thrown any bows yet. How does this make you feel?
BB: I will be spending time with him teaching the art of enforcing over the off-season. I guarantee that Jordan will show the bows come next cross country season.

AP: Was it wierd walking through De Smet on Friday?
BB: It definitely felt odd, I felt like I did when I came home from SLU. DeSmet was like a second home to me, and was weird to go back after not being there for a long time.

AP: Any advice for the guys as districts are Saturday?
BB: Don't let any other runners pass you in the last part of the race. You need to get as low of a score as possible and you can pick up so many points at the line. Also, Seniors, this could be your last race, you don't want to end on a sour note.

AP: How do you feel about the tradition of the Oregon 8 Picnic being continued yesterday?
BB: I am glad to hear the picnic is staying strong. It is a great opportunity for the team to bond as the playoffs draw near. Also after a tough workout like the Oregon 8, a nice picnic sounds like the best reward you could ask for.

AP:Rumor has it that you will be at sectionals. Can you confirm?
BB: Barring no Zombie Apocalypse, Confirmed. (Uncrossed fingers)

AP:How do you feel about T Bone having a kid?
BB: Happy that USA finally has a threat to take home the gold in the marathon, stressed that Coach has already asked me to babysit dozens of times, and upset that I was not asked to be the GodFather of the child.

AP:Fantasy football team this year? How are the boys looking?
BB: This answer will suffice. I had Brett Farve and Vince Young as quarterbacks. But on the bright side, my fantasy DWTS (Dancing with the Stars) team is looking great. I still have Kurt Warner and Kyle Massey (boy from the That's So Raven) looking strong.

AP: Kobe or LeBron?
BB: (Duke great) J.J. Reddick