De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fresh Meat

Camp started Wednesday with an AE run to prepare the varsity hopefuls and incoming freshman for the first tempo run of the season on Thursday. I had an inside look at the football team getting big while I was on the elliptical.

After the run, the freshman, and returning runners were split into two teams for a team building activity. The object was simple, get the volleyball to the back, bring it to the front, and so on. The freshman teams were very evenly matched. The varsity hopefuls, not so much. The teams were sophomores + Scherps (see below) and myself, against the seniors and juniors. It was just ugly. Bob Eberling and JC Madey didn't have the best aim for the upper class man, but the more experienced runners were able to overcome a small obstacle, with the help of the sophomores.

"I had to just throw it. It was the only way the team would have a chance if it
worked out." Pat Callahan
As it would turn out, this would only put the sophomore team farther behind. The upperclassman cruised to an easy victory.

Thursday began with a meeting in room 210. We watched a summary of a legend of a cross country coach give a speech to a group of high school guys. Highlights, as given by Little O'c, Jack Husmann, and myself.

    • Be smart. You can greatly effect the teams by decisions you make when no one is watching.

    • Everyone can contribute. We just graduated some great runners, if you work, you will have a chance to run in big races.

    • Do the little things.

Next we were off to Conway for tempos. Everyone did great. Some standouts however were Glen McGann, Collin Sullivan, Josh Pribe, Nick Martini, and Brian Scherping. Great work everybody.

The day of camp just kept getting better, with weights and core after the run back to De Smet.

Joke of the Day/Year: My back

The much anticipated last day of camp was here, when the fresh meet would run their first timed mile. The morning started with the varsity hopefuls running either a Grassier or Mosley, and Coach Traughber and Garwitz giving the freshman the little things talk along with passing out their very own personalized summer training schedule. My inside access continued, since I can't run.

Quote of the Day: After Coach Traughber instructed the freshman to jog down the 100 stretch and back as their strides before the big mile, one brave, freshman soul questioned,

"Are you kidding me?"

The gun went off. Blake Waters took lane 8 for the first 200 and took a big lead. My pick, Steven Placht, kept his composure, and ran his race. Steven took the lead after 800, and finished first with a time of 5:43, with Waters second. Great race by all.

What is the best way ever to end camp? Throw the B, and that's what we did. Once again, the freshman were split from the returning runners. After 10 minutes of scoreless, appalling B, the skins finally came through with a score. Shortly after, I tagged Coach Garwitz in, in what proved to be the turning point of the match. Coach and DUC member Michael Ahlheim led the shirts to a convincing, 5-1 come from behind victory. The B game was followed by Bread Co bagels, and bottom less, possibly expired Chocolate Milk. It was a great week of camp from all.

Good to hear from you Kevin. Must be great to be in a country other then America when the World Cup is going on.

"Dude, who is that guy?"

Brian Scherping

Everyone knows Brian, but he's new, so he gets a spacial mention. This three year track standout and winner of the Rookie of the Year and Most Improved Award is hanging up the soccer cleats for metall spikes. Brian looks to build off of the fitness level of track season for a great first/last cross country season.

In his spare time, Brian enjoys White Castles and Thanksgiving flag football games.
What to watch for: Moving from the 800 to 5k, and can Scherping be on time for morning practice?


  1. im pretty sure you messed up my quote
    and you spelled metal wrong in"medal spikes"
    Ed for hall of fame

  2. Good blog Potter I was laughing pretty loud!!! I hope you get better soon so we can run together!!!

  3. Good blog Potter I was laughing pretty loud!!! I hope you get better soon so we can run together!!!

  4. the quote was me i am flabbergasted

  5. You both said the same thing. Complaining gets you no where.

  6. i am sorry he said he didnt say it
