After that chaos, the Freshmen and JV left for a mailbox in preparation for the big Forest Park Meet tomorrow. The top 7 went off for a Greaser since they will not be racing at Forest Park due to the ACT. It was a pleasant run in some of the coolest weather we’ve had all year.
The light day allows me to get to some other stuff not relating to today. First the Milk Table is really expanding. We’ve picked up our first parental follower, Mr. Seiler! Also, we’ve heard that more parents are reading. As well as parents, we now have teachers taking a liking to the blog. Compliments from MC and Mr. Musso has even favorited us. We really appreciate everybody who reads and enjoys, so thank you.
Also, the Milk Table now has an email address: It's main purpose is to be means for people to send us photos to post, but it can used for anything. Send us comments or concerns if you'd like. You could even send us something you would like posted. Or you could even send a contribution like Madey did earlier this week. For those of you who don't know you can now find us on Facebook as well. Just search Milk Table.
Lastly, Coach has asked me to put this up. It’s what he calls the “Buy-In.” In regular terms it’s our Suggested Time Management Plan. It’s called the “Buy-In” because buying in to this plan is a key to having success. It’s set up for the Varsity since it includes morning practices, but it can work for all of us. And it's especially important as we are getting further along in the season.
Suggested Time Management Plan:
6:25 am | Arrive at De Smet
6:30 am – 7:30 am | Morning Practice
8:00 am – 2:50 pm | School (activity period snack in my room is permitted)
3:10 – 5:15 pm | Afternoon practice
5:15 – 6:00 pm | Gather your things and go home (eat a snack/chocolate milk/gatorade)
6:00 – 7:00 pm | Dinner/Free time
7:00 – 10:00 pm | Homework/Free time
10:00 pm (at the latest) | Bed TimeFOCUS + TIME MANAGEMENT + SACRIFICE = REST
Quote of the Day: “I’ve never run a 5k.”- Jimmy Reed when we were talking about PRs during stretching.
Joke of the Day: “They had my history book so they were definitely in 7th grade.”- Martini commenting on a group of girls we passed. It played off the History book for Mohan’s class which we had talked about yesterday.
Best Dressed: Seiler wins again on Mass day. On picture day everyone is in uniform so how can one win best dressed? By separating themselves in the one area they can: socks! And that’s exactly what Jacob did. The Flame Socks and all their glory showed up for the team picture. Thanks to MC who pointed all this out.
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