De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday Conversation- On Monday

This week's Sunday Conversation features the newest member of the staff, Ethan Stack.

AP- What exactly happend to the foot?
ES- My foot started to hurt, and I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was just in my big jump of miles in the summer to get ready for the college season. The pain is right under the knuckle, but the stress fracture is in the mid foot.

AP- What would you say to Jack since you are two weeks into the recovering process?
ES- "The first thing I would say is to not freak out. The focus is now on the spring. It won't be a hard transition back into running if you don't get too far down, and concentrate on rehab and staying in some kind of shape. Keep up ice baths, cut down unneeded walking.

AP- Who will you be working with?
ES- I will be working with more of the older guys especially on workout days.

AP- Is there anyone specific you think you can rub some knowledge off to?
ES- I think my knowledge will most help Jack Husmann, Matt O'Connor, Jacob Seiler, and the pack of sophomores. I can help them with how to prepare. There were plenty of things that I did wrong, that I corrected in track (Stack Shuffle).

AP- What have you missed the most being away the last month?
ES- The atmosphere Coach Traughber has created. People know how to have fun, but take it seriously when it is time to work hard. Practice was always the best part of my day. The meetings also helped us get ready for races.

AP- What are you most excited about?
ES- I am most excited about being back in a growing program. I wanted to win so bad, then there was SLUH. To be looked up to is a great feeling.

AP- Kobe or LeBron?
ES- Kobe, he just wants to win. LeBron is too full of himself.

See you tomorrow.


  1. OC
    i love it! Alex Potter is the next erin andrews.

    also, good call on on the kobe/lebron decision stackman

  2. Great blog post thanks for the advice stack, but i will have to disagree on the kobe lebron debate Lebrons getting that ring this year.

  3. Jack i agree LeBron is where it is at. You can't dislike him for having an ego and then be cool with Kobe.

  4. LABRON JAMES SUCKS SO MUCH. HE ISNT EVEN GOOD. kobe has won like what 4 times idk i dont follow basketball i just know labron sucks
