De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kinda Cold for Spring Break

The highlight of today was the appearance of to alumni who are currently running at the collegiate level. Andy McWhorter (’09), Bellermine, and Zach Boyle (’10), Maryville, both are on spring break this week. They came up to DeSmet to catch up with Tbone and the team and get their run in. It was a lot of fun to see these guys and get a chance to hang out with them.

Today’s workout included an AE run on the Chasselle courses and core. It was chilly but another solid day for the distance squad. And of course it was ended with a tasty, refreshing carton of chocolate milk.

Scherping and I extended practice with a good weights session. Building up strength so we’ll be ready to run some fast times late in the season. It ended up being a long practice, but we know it’s these extra things that will help us reach our potential and put us in position to go after some school records. Scherping is eyeing the 800m record (1:55.68) which was set back in 1997. It’s a good drop from last year, but Brian is a totally different person, way more fit than he has ever been. I’m going after the record in the 1600m (4:17.1) set in 2002. We’re both super excited to be in this position. Keep it locked into the Milk Table to follow all the action.

I should also mention that two of three distance relay records could be broken this year—the 4x800 (7:57.5) from 2006 and the DMR (10:58.6) from 2009.

Check out these either new or updated posts:
Ellipticarty (weekend practices) – added today
Sprinter Like Me (Potter’s position) – added Friday
Let’s Go! – New picture
Legend of the FET (final winter post) – completed!

Quote of the Day: “Coach, is the baseball team still too good to use their own field?”- Zach Boyle, HOF

Joke of the Day: During core.“What’s this?!?” [throws it in the grass]- Seiler. “Hey! That was my watch.”- Scherping.


  1. This year is going to be super fun chasing after those goals. It will be tough tho!!! To bad ill miss the first 2 meets and won't get to help or cheer for my team their first meet and second meet :( But i will be cheering for you guys miles away on a distant country. (O and look at my funny comment on "Sprinter Like Me" about Potter and Scherping :D)

  2. Andy "Big A" McWhorter is the best DeSmet has ever produced. ever.
