De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Escape to Creve Coeur Lake

The team finally reunites for a nice run at Creve Coeur Lake. It was great to get away from campus, and many runners made positive comments about practice’s location.

The highlight of Practice might have been the celebrity appearance. The great T-Time came around for the first time all season. It was quite unexpected and very exciting.

It was a calm, simple long run with not a whole lot going on. Boyle, OC, and I ran a couple loops around the park taking in the nice scenery. We were joined by Potter and Stack for parts of it.

Best Dressed: Abernathy and Boyle. 3 to 7 Business Days had finally arrived and the wait was well worth it. In the greatest coordinated dressing of the season, these two guys matched to a T. They showed they’re veteran experience wearing the exact same shorts and shirt. Did I mention that the shorts were brand new and designed after the Ireland Flag? Yes, pure awesome, and they are both part Irish so they can do that. The matching two years past XC Meet Day Shirt finished it off. Check back soon to see a picture of this great look.


  1. u cant make urself bbest dressed

  2. "Andrew don't stare at their shorts."

    "I can' help it!"

  3. Thanks for putting that great quote in there Potter. I can't believe I forgot about it.

  4. 1. @ anonymous- you must sing in or at least identify yourself
    2. they deserved the best dressed award for a splendid match.
    3. @ potter- thanks for that, i was going to put it in but forgot the exact words

  5. you know who it is and he wud like to stay ananymous i am signed in but for some reason nits wierd and makes me decided what to post as
