The unexpected heat after a nice cool weekend was definitely a factor for the athletes today with the sun beating down through the cloudless sky but mental strength proved itself greater than the elements once again. Many impressive performances can be acknowledged today especially within the calvary and its undisputed leaders today being John Madey and Nick Martini. Good work to all, and to those who struggled today, grow from it. It the words of coach Traughber, "It's just one workout".
Perhaps the only other personal highlight worth mentioning from todays practice would be the relaxing cool down I enjoyed today talking mission trips with Mr. Drew Higgins.
Since its a Short Post this evening make sure to get to bed on time!
Also, it was apparently business day for the team (meaning 100% focus on running) with such a legit workout and as a result I have not heard of any Quote or Joke of the day. If any occurred that I didn't have the pleasure of witnessing please comment them.
Best Dressed today must again fall to the team Prima Donna Kevin Abernathy working the still new summer training shirt with matching yellow shorts with the orange headband for an accent. I knew it was him today since the first thing i thought when I saw him come out for practice was that he looked like a setting sun. Shine on Kabes.
(Title: Today's workout is labeled as a "capstone" for tempo workouts meaning that it is the most difficult of them. Which means 5k pace work is coming to a practice near you soon!)
nice post padre