De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Day at the Office

While most of the team was still sleeping some members of the Desmet distance team got off to an early start today. A group consisting of Potter, Stack, Scherps, and myself started the day off right by pumping some iron before school. It was great way to start off the day and to get in the mood to take care of some business.

Good luck to all those that race tomorrow! Remember all the hard work that you have already put in and for many the miles over winter. Run fast run hard and go take care of some business.

After taking care of their running business for the day a group of runners consisting of: France, Potter, The OC’s (little and big), Kabes, the sailor, and myself. Went out for a team dinner at 5 guys burgers and fries. During me and Kabes run we had passed 5 guys and got hit by the smell which instantly made us crave some burgers. The executive decision was made at that moment that we would have a team dinner there after practice. To sum it up “Runners smell 5 guys and we eat it”- France.

Quote of the Day: ZBoyle “You can’t run the 4x800 by yourself.”

NCAA tournament begins today make sure to check your brackets. Keep an eye out for Mr. Danglefest LAX BRO (COD) he plans on going to the ship.

Joke of the Day: Just as the top group set out on their run today, Boyle turned to everyone and said “I’m in my business clothes today, got my pinstripes.” Everyone looked at him and noticed he had on shorts that were about 5 inches in length and a hat and then busted out laughing. Yes, they had pinstripes, but that didn’t quite qualify them as business attire. And the rest of the run was filled by many other business related jokes. (Written by Kabes)


  1. what about the guy in the girls uniform making the Spanish video on the track today?...

  2. "Hey Potter how much shampoo do you use?"
    "A lot"

  3. Zach, you need to add the pancake breakfast to Saturdays agenda (for those that qualify). I hope to see you all there that were extended invitations. I will be much more prepared for this one than last time...all the food will be ready when you boys arrive! P.S. be sure to bring a gift for the future T-bone baby. ;)

  4. Coach i want to come even though i was not invited. Please!!!!!!!! :)

  5. Brian, the guy in 204 had a meeting just for you every thursday for 2 months so you would be invited to the breakfast...
