De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Super Saturday

Today was a practice focused on recovery. Being the day after the first meet for most and a tough workout for the rest, it made a lot of sense. Coach switched it up and everyone ran for a certain amount of time on the practice fields. We also did extended stretching and had our first session of a team favorite – partner stretching. The core workout was followed some full team light weights. Doing running motions with free weights is always fun and surprisingly fairly difficult. There will be more of that in the future, so remember I-H-J. An all-around good practice with the recovery much appreciated.

During the top group’s 30 minute field run, the rules of the new & popular speed skating were finally discussed and settled. There is a lot of excitement now that the game is under control and regulated. The game is all about focus, control, and jockeying for position, oh and also a weed-whackerish play-by-play announcer.

Now the best part of day for those involved was the pancake breakfast at the Traughber’s after practice. The runners that worked the hardest and put in the most miles received the prestigious invite earlier in the week. Excitement built over the course of the week, and breakfast surpassed all expectations. The food was ready when the 17 hungry runners arrived at the Traughber household with the help of the most excellent directions. Liz made a fantastic breakfast. All of the food was delectably delicious. The menu included fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, sausage, and pancakes (plain, blueberry, and chocolate chip). We would like to thank Coach and Liz for the hospitality and Liz for making all the food.

As part of the pancake breakfast, there was a smoothie contest. It featured frontrunner Boyle, challenger Potter, and dark horse OC. It was thing of beauty seeing the competitors setting up their blenders and getting out their ingredients. It was decided that the winner would be picked by popular vote of all in attendance who were given a spoon to sample all three smoothies. The excitement built as the blenders roared to life. The sight, sound, and smell of the event were alone enough. But things got much better when everyone stated tasting the smoothies. After all three blenders ran dry, when went around the room and tallied up the votes. And the winner was… OC!! In a surprise upset. The final count being OC-8; Boyle-5; Potter-3. But it should be noted that Boyle carried the important votes of the cook and me. It was one heck of a contest. All three were great.

For any interested here are the smoothie recipes:
Potter: About 2 cups apple juice. 2-3 spoon fulls of plain yogurt. Fist full of frozen strawberries, peaches, pineapple, mango, berry medely and the occasional banana. Ice to make thick.
Boyle: Handful of the following: pineapple, strawberry, blueberry; add one banana. Add apple juice and ice ratio to determine thickness. Enjoy
OC- receipe & message: here are the ingredients and steps for creating my world famous smoothie: 1. pomegranate blueberry V8 V-fusion 2. vanilla yogurt 3. ice 4. frozen blueberries, blackberries and raspberries (i got all of mine in a pack from Trader Joes) 5. frozen yogurt
directions 1. blend yogurt and juice until smooth 2. add frozen fruits and ice and blend until smooth 3.add the frozen yogurt and blend 4. ENJOY

thanks for everyone who voted for me, i could not have won this amazing award without you.
PS- thanks Coach Traughber and Liz for allowing a bunch of out of control bros come over to enjoy some delicious pancakes, eggs and sausage.
~~~ OC

Best Dressed: Scherps. He was able to take care of the competition even though he was on the elliptical. Following Boyle, Scherps went with the bandana. But it wasn’t just the bandana, but he matched it to his red shirt. Nice work!


  1. Yea, a couple days late, but it has 4 pictures!

  2. the pictures are a great addition to the blog.

    i workout in an office so i guess im fit for business

  3. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I WON THE BEST DRESSED ON SATURDAY!!!!! I AM THE CHAMP!!!!! Thank you for all how voted for me!! Those votes are greatly appreciated!!!!

  4. well i would like to add that potter was at a disadvantage due to his lack of good blender. with a good blender i believe that potter could have put up quite the fight
