De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kiss Me I'm A Runner

No better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day then with some cruise intervals. With another perfect day weather wise the Desmet distance team took full advantage of the day by having a stellar workout. The workout was made even better with the presence of returning Desmet legends Chris France, Connor Callahan, and Rob Garwitz who joined us on the track.

Joke of the Day: During our cool down today we started doing some speed skate racing were we jockey for position. The joke is kind of hard to explain but to simplify it we have discovered that the announcers that call the horse races sound like weed whackers.

Spartan Runners of the Week: It is still early in the week but I think it’s safe to say that the trio consisting of Chris France, Connor Callahan, and Rob Garwitz receive split honors for runner of the week. These three men helped push a stalled car whose owner needed help. But even more impressive was that they then continued to do their track workout. Special mention goes out to my boy C-Baby who did 5x1 miles at 4:58 pace.

Quote of the day: T-Bone: “Injuries are overrated”

Best Dressed: Boyle was well aware of today being St. Patrick's Day and came out rocking all green. There was lots of green today from the team, but none could top him. Not only were his warm-up shorts green, but so were his workout shorts. He even topped it off with a very stylish green bandana. Boyle knew how to take advantage of a themed day, and can now call himself the best dressed (at least till tomorrow).


  1. Petition for Zach to not be able to vote for himself...


  2. well coach also called me gumby
    this comment thing is not allowing me to post a picture of it so i am thoroughly upset about that but it was a very mean comment
    i don't even look like that

  3. another great quote from Coach
    -coach "O'Connor, are you alright, you didnt look very good on the 200s?"
    - me "yea i just kinda feel like im going to throw up"
    - coach "but you knee feels alright?"
    - me "yea"
    -coach "alright as long as your knees ok. i dont care if you throw up"

  4. the Best Dressed Award paragraph was written by Kabes and besides I clearly looked sharp today.

  5. Great title today Boyle.
    And Potter, he definitely deserved it. We knew it wouldn't for him to write his own so I wrote it and he put it in the post.

    OC that's great.

    Matt, deal with it. You're going to get called lots of names this year.

  6. He went all out, I know he deserves it.

  7. I'm a big fan of the bandannas now

  8. I totally got to use coach's own line against him today.
    As we were locking up the gate he said, "I'm done after today." I told him, "Whining gets you nowhere."
    He laughed.

  9. i voted for Boyle too!

    and jack... you fail at childhood if you dont know gumby

  10. lol I like the comment Kevin. It made me laugh. I am a fan of bandannas too ZBoyle i think we should dedicate a day to bandannas but which day? Or should we do a certain workout?

  11. Matt O'Connor name list 2010: Ostrich, Gumby... To be continued

  12. i think we bshud call him knee always hurts
