De Smet Jesuit Cross Country

De Smet Jesuit Cross Country
Granite City 2015 - Second Place

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Day for LSD

With great weather back in St. Louise today was a perfect day for doing some LSD (Long Slow Distance). And now with T-Bone’s tip of the day we know how important these runs are. The top group today which consisted of Kabes, returning alum France, and myself used this opportunity to explore the rarely visited roads that exist on the other side of Olive Rd. It was a great adventure and fun was had by all.

WEAR YOUR GREEN TOMORROW! With tomorrow being St. Patrick’s Day make sure to wear your green. Green head bands, green shorts, green shirts, anything green. Rumor has it that those not wearing green (and also not having a watch) will do push-ups.

If you haven’t done so already make sure to make your bracket for the NCAA basketball tournament. Winner receives a full year of bragging rights. Follow the directions on the March 14th post on how to do so.

Best Dressed Award: Today’s award goes to the man leading the fight against the very real threat of aliens. Often times we take our safety from these creatures for granted so today we award Patrick C. the best dressed award for not only defending us from aliens but being always ready for their attack. Commonly seen wearing camo shirts Patrick C. complemented the shirt perfectly today with a pair of shorts with matching gray.

P.S. I am still waiting for my trip to Ireland


  1. so no animal or quotes of the day?
    did anyone hear a good quote that kabes or zach did not hear?

  2. Sweet guys this is my first comment on the BLOG!!!! WOOOOOOOO Anyways ummmm no OC i did not hear of any quotes today because i was on the stupid elliptical machine. :( I wish i could have ran with my group but i must listen to T-bone because he has great knowledge of how to get better when you are hurt.

  3. Quote of the Day

    Coach Speaking to Scherps: Well maybe if you had listened to somebody you wouldn't have to be on the elliptical. You know, some short guy that likes to hang out in room 204 alot likes to annoy people?

    Me: Hey! I know that Guy!

    Coach: *Kick*

  4. If you got a quote email it to us

  5. It's great to see you on here Scherps.

    And Seiler. Hahaha, that's too funny. I wish I was there.

  6. Another T Bone and Seiler quote

    Bite me.
